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FAB Training

Hospitality Training

Any owner of a company within the hospitality sector knows that the successfulness of that business largely relies on the staff; their experience, their confidence and their excellent customer service. Alongside that comes the ability to undertake the tasks needed to operate the business safely and within relevant legislative rules. So whether it is learning how to safely prepare and handle food, how to keep premises clean and safe or meeting the legal requirements needed to serve alcohol and the responsibilities that come with that FAB can help!

Licensed Premises

Businesses, organisations and individuals who want to sell or supply alcohol in England and Wales must have a licence or other authorisation from a licensing authority - usually a local council. The law and policy governing this area is overseen by the Home Office and part of the mandatory criteria involves training. Our regulated courses meet the requirements set out by the authorities and allow participants to continue with their journey within this industry.

Food Safety

Food operating businesses must ensure that staff receive training in the fundamentals of producing and providing food that is safe and also that allergens are managed effectively. Our range of courses look at all stages of the journey from food production, food preparation and food sales and the roles and responsibilities of those involved in these processes. 

Customer service advisor at a desk in a hotel setting

Customer Service Training

Customer service plays a crucial role in the success of any business. It is the key to building strong relationships with customers, enhancing their overall experience, and ultimately, increasing customer loyalty and retention. Effective customer service can set a company apart from its competitors and create a positive reputation in the market.

By investing in customer service training, businesses can empower their employees to deliver outstanding service, leading to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, a positive impact on the bottom line. It is essential for businesses to prioritise ongoing training and development to ensure that their employees are equipped to provide the best possible customer service experience.