Blog tagged as training

Why First Aid is so Important

23/11/2023 17:52 By Emma - Comment(s)
Why First Aid is so Important

Why do we need First Aid Training?

First aid training is so important in today's world because injuries or illnesses can occur anytime and anywhere. Having trained individuals who can provide immediate medical attention to the injured person before professional medical help arrives is crucial. The be...

World Menopause Day

18/10/2023 15:45 By Emma - Comment(s)
World Menopause Day
October 18th is World Menopause Day

Allergy Awareness

05/10/2023 15:52 By Emma - Comment(s)
Allergy Awareness
A blog highlighting the importance of being allergy aware and the potential consequences of not being.

More than just First Aid

28/08/2023 13:01 By Emma - Comment(s)
More than just First Aid

Did you know in 2021/2022;

  • 36.8 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • 135 workers were killed in work-related accidents
  • 61,713 injuries to employees were reported under RIDDOR

Health and safety in the workplace is crucial for the well-being of emp...