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FAB Training

Awards and Accreditations

Good Business Charter

The Good Business Charter was set up in early 2020 with the aim of encouraging responsible business behaviour, publicly acknowledge and reward those who exhibit such behaviour.

We are delighted to have successfully achieved the required standards on the 10 components making up the charter which has resulted in us being GBC accredited.

The components to which we are dedicated are:

Living Wage

We are committed to paying directly employed staff the real living wage as a minimum.

Fairer Hours and Contracts

We only offer zero or minimal hour contracts when it is mutually beneficial to us and the employee.

Employee Well-being

We actively support and encourage employees well-being by treating those with legitimate sickness is a fair, respectful manner and promote access to impartial support for employees physical and mental health needs.

Employee Representation

We are committed to ensuring every employee can make suggestions or raise issues with senior management in a supportive and comfortable manner.

Diversity and Inclusion

We have robust measures in place to encourage diversity at key stages of recruitment, selection and retention of employees. We also have robust processes in place to prevent harassment or victimisation in the workplace.

Environmental Responsibility

We encourage the development of good environmental and net zero practice and seek to minimise and improve our impact wherever possible.

Pay Fair Tax

We are committed to paying tax where application and to only use tax allowances for the purposes intended. We are transparent in our relationship with HMRC.

Commitment to Customers

We have a clear commitment to customers and prioritise addressing and learning from customer feedback, actively seeking to put negative issues right in a timely and satisfactory manner.

Ethical Sourcing

We are committed to ethical sourcing of purchases wherever possible and constantly look to improve this wherever possible.

Prompt Payment

We are committed to paying our suppliers promptly.

Theo Paphitis Small Business Sunday Award

Small Business Sunday was created by Theo Paphitis and is one of the leading small business communities in the UK with over 3,500 active members.

Each week, Theo rewards small businesses that tweet him and describe their businesses. He reviews and chooses his favourite lucky six who are then re-tweeted to his large following.